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  ## add or remove people in the following Fashion
  ## add or remove people in the following Fashion
  #            grep (HD username) /tmp/$PID.stats
  #            grep <font color=red>(HD username)</font> /tmp/$PID.stats
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo "ME"
  echo "ME"
         grep (HD username) /tmp/$PID.stats
         grep <font color=red>(HD username)</font> /tmp/$PID.stats
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""
  echo ""

Revision as of 18:58, 22 July 2011

Alright to use my custom response tracking script do the following.

vim /bin/stats

Paste in the following.

# compiled by mshooltz

curl -s --progress-bar -b "" -u (HD usename here):(hdpassword here) | lynx -dump -stdin -nolist -width=350 | grep -A500 Responses > /tmp/$PID.stats
grep -A2 Responses /tmp/$PID.stats

## add or remove people in the following Fashion
#             grep (HD username) /tmp/$PID.stats

echo ""
echo "ME"
       grep (HD username) /tmp/$PID.stats
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Support"
echo ""
echo "1st shift"
        grep rhatt /tmp/$PID.stats
echo ""

echo "2cnd shift"
        grep rdrumheller /tmp/$PID.stats
echo ""

echo "3rd shift"
        grep jhayhoe /tmp/$PID.stats 

rm -f /tmp/$PID.stats

Now you will need to give the file execute perms.

chmod +x /bin/stats

Now all you have to do at the command line for your workstation, is type stats. Also you can add whoever you would like to track, in the file I have left a few examples in the file for you.