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= Wordpres Guide to not failing =  
= Wordpres Guide to not failing =  

===== pulling the wordpress version for one site =====
==== pulling the wordpress version for one site ====
change directory into the sites wordpress installation.   
change directory into the sites wordpress installation.   
  cat wp-includes/version.php | grep "\$wp_version\ ="
  cat wp-includes/version.php | grep "\$wp_version\ ="

===== pulling the wordpress version for all site's =====
==== pulling the wordpress version for all site's ====

===== Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin() =====
==== Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin() ====
Aquired from this site [http://euvidente.blogspot.com/2011/03/fatal-error-undefined-function.html here]
Aquired from this site [http://euvidente.blogspot.com/2011/03/fatal-error-undefined-function.html here]

Revision as of 01:53, 21 January 2012

Wordpres Guide to not failing

pulling the wordpress version for one site

change directory into the sites wordpress installation.

cat wp-includes/version.php | grep "\$wp_version\ ="

pulling the wordpress version for all site's

Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin()

Aquired from this site here

Hi, recently I tried to update my WordPress blog and then, when I try to get access to admin, I got the following error:
Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin()
Actually to fix this, is very simple, Just download the most recent version of wordpress from the original source (http://wordpress.org/download) save it on your pc, extract the files to any directory (could be something like c:/wp)
Log-in into your ftp account, rename the 2 following directories (wp-admin, wp-includes) to any other name (such as wp-admin-old and wp-includes-old) and then upload the respective directories from the extracted files.
Almost done.
Last thing to do, just look for a file called "wp-settings.php" and upload it to your blog folder (the same that contains wp-config.php file) and if everything works all okay, feel free to remove the 2 firstly renamed folders as the wordpress doesn't need them.
And now you are done!

Last time I did this it was on a dso server and the commands looked like what follows.

Change all "USER" to your accounts usernames.

Also these direction are assuming that the install is in the public_html, adjust accordingly

ALSO ASUMES THEY WERE ON WP VERSION 3.0 Pulling wordpress version

mkdir -p /home/temp/wpnew
cd /home/temp/wpnew
wget wget http://wordpress.org/wordpress-3.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf wordpress-3.0.tar.gz
mv /home/USER/public_html/wp-admin /home/USER/public_html/wp-admin.broke
mv /home/USER/public_html/wp-includes /home/USER/public_html/wp-includes.broke
mv /home/USER/public_html/wp-settings.php /home/USER/public_html/wp-settings.php.broke
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-admin /home/USER/public_html/wp-admin
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-includes /home/USER/public_html/wp-includes
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-settings.php /home/USER/public_html/wp-settings.php

Now from here out you have to know your handler for permissions.


chown -R omahafri.nobody /home/USER/public_html/


 chown -R omahafri. /home/USER/public_html/