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<syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line='line'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash" line='line'>
echo;function getinfo { read -p "What is the cpanel account username?: " _cpuser;read -p "Where does the wordpress install live?(no trailing /): " pAth;_WPverZ=`grep "wp\_version\ \=" $pAth/wp-includes/version.php | grep -o [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]`;echo;echo -e "\t$pAth\n\t$_cpuser\n\t$_WPverZ\n"; read -p "Does the above info look correct?(answer y or n)" _YoN; chkinfo;}; function chkinfo { if [ $_YoN = n ] || [ -z $_YoN ]; then getinfo; fi;}; getinfo; date=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`; mkdir -p /home/temp/wpnew-$date;cd /home/temp/wpnew-$date; wget -q http://wordpress.org/wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; tar -zxf wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; echo "Moving the old files to .broke..."; mv $pAth/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin.broke; mv $pAth/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes.broke; mv $pAth/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php.broke;echo "Copying the new files from the fresh tar file..."; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php; echo "Correcting permissions on the newly placed files...";chown $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-settings.php; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-includes; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-admin
(echo;function getinfo { read -p "What is the cpanel account username?: " _cpuser;read -p "Where does the wordpress install live?(no trailing /): " pAth;_WPverZ=`grep "wp\_version\ \=" $pAth/wp-includes/version.php | grep -o [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]`;echo;echo -e "\t$pAth\n\t$_cpuser\n\t$_WPverZ\n"; read -p "Does the above info look correct?(answer y or n)" _YoN; chkinfo;}; function chkinfo { if [ $_YoN = n ] || [ -z $_YoN ]; then getinfo; fi;}; getinfo; date=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`; mkdir -p /home/temp/wpnew-$date;cd /home/temp/wpnew-$date; wget -q http://wordpress.org/wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; tar -zxf wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; echo "Moving the old files to .broke..."; mv $pAth/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin.broke; mv $pAth/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes.broke; mv $pAth/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php.broke;echo "Copying the new files from the fresh tar file..."; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php; echo "Correcting permissions on the newly placed files...";chown $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-settings.php; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-includes; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-admin)

Revision as of 03:59, 27 September 2018

Wordpres Guide to not failing

install wordpress and move it to the public_html

Pull the files and extract them:

cd /home/CPUSER/public_html/
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -zxvf latest.tar.gz

Move them up one directory:

mv wordpress/* ./
rmdir wordpress

Fix ownership problems:

chown -R CPUSER. /home/CPUSER/public_html/*

Create a database for the site, either do this from within cpanel account or from the cli with the following commands.

mysqladmin create CPUSER_wrdp1
mysql -e "CREATE USER 'CPUSER_wrdp1'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';"
mysql -e "grant all privileges on CPUSER_wrdp1.* to 'CPUSER'@'localhost' identified by  'PASSWORD';";

Link db to cpanel account:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/dbmaptool brueggee --type mysql --dbs 'CPUSER_wrdp1' --dbusers 'CPUSER_wrdp1'

Navigate to the domain, provide the database information and install wordpress.

pulling the wordpress version for one site

change directory into the sites wordpress installation.

grep "wp\_version\ \=" wp-includes/version.php

pulling the wordpress version for all site's

updatedb && locate wp-includes/version.php > /home/wp-versions-list.txt

more to come soon

Reinstall core wordpress files --easymode

Run this and answer the questions.

Make sure you know the cpanel username and the full path to the wordpress install first

(echo;function getinfo { read -p "What is the cpanel account username?: " _cpuser;read -p "Where does the wordpress install live?(no trailing /): " pAth;_WPverZ=`grep "wp\_version\ \=" $pAth/wp-includes/version.php | grep -o [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]`;echo;echo -e "\t$pAth\n\t$_cpuser\n\t$_WPverZ\n"; read -p "Does the above info look correct?(answer y or n)" _YoN; chkinfo;}; function chkinfo { if [ $_YoN = n ] || [ -z $_YoN ]; then getinfo; fi;}; getinfo; date=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`; mkdir -p /home/temp/wpnew-$date;cd /home/temp/wpnew-$date; wget -q http://wordpress.org/wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; tar -zxf wordpress-$_WPverZ.tar.gz; echo "Moving the old files to .broke..."; mv $pAth/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin.broke; mv $pAth/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes.broke; mv $pAth/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php.broke;echo "Copying the new files from the fresh tar file..."; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes; cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew-$date/wordpress/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php; echo "Correcting permissions on the newly placed files...";chown $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-settings.php; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-includes; chown -R $_cpuser.$_cpuser $pAth/wp-admin)

Reinstall core wordpress files --manual mode

Set the UsEr variable below to your cpanel accounts user name.

Also these direction are assuming that the install is in the public_html, adjust accordingly

http://wordpress.org/download/release-archive/ - Wordpress download archives.

Set some variables:

pAth=(enter full path to install here, no trailing /)
cpuser=(cpanel username)
WPverZ=`grep "wp\_version\ \=" $pAth/wp-includes/version.php | grep -o [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]`

Make sure all of those are set:

echo $pAth $cpuser $WPverZ

Beging the move:

mkdir -p /home/temp/wpnew
cd /home/temp/wpnew
wget http://wordpress.org/wordpress-$WPverZ.tar.gz
tar -zxvf wordpress-$WPverZ.tar.gz
mv $pAth/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin.broke
mv $pAth/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes.broke
mv $pAth/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php.broke
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-admin $pAth/wp-admin
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-includes $pAth/wp-includes
cp -Rp /home/temp/wpnew/wordpress/wp-settings.php $pAth/wp-settings.php

Now from here out you have to know your handler for permissions.

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuild_phpconf --current


chown -R $cpuser.nobody $pAth


 chown -R $cpuser. $pAth
 chown $cpuser.nobody $pAth

Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin()

Aquired from this site here

Hi, recently I tried to update my WordPress blog and then, when I try to get access to admin, I got the following error:
Fatal error undefined function is_network_admin()
Actually to fix this, is very simple, Just download the most recent version of wordpress from the original source (http://wordpress.org/download) save it on your pc, extract the files to any directory (could be something like c:/wp)
Log-in into your ftp account, rename the 2 following directories (wp-admin, wp-includes) to any other name (such as wp-admin-old and wp-includes-old) and then upload the respective directories from the extracted files.
Almost done.
Last thing to do, just look for a file called "wp-settings.php" and upload it to your blog folder (the same that contains wp-config.php file) and if everything works all okay, feel free to remove the 2 firstly renamed folders as the wordpress doesn't need them.
And now you are done!

What this equates to is that the user tried to update wordpress and it either died halfway or they got impatient and canceled it. The fix is below, Last time I did this it was on a dso server and the commands looked like what follows.

GO TO Wordpress_guide#Reinstall_core_wordpress_files_--easymode