Cpanel create test accounts
Use this to create several cpanel test accounts at once.
Answer the questions and go!
read -p "Number of accounts to create?" numACCts; read -p "Password to use on all accounts?" acctPaSsWd; CHARS=( q a z w s x e d c r f v t g b y h n u j m i k o l p ); MODNUM=${#CHARS[*]}; acctcount=0; for i in `eval echo {1..$numACCts}`; do(( acctcount=acctcount+1 )); USRSTR=""; USRLEN=0; for q in {0..7}; do INDEX=$(($RANDOM%$MODNUM)); USRSTR="${USRSTR}${CHARS[$INDEX]}"; done; yes | /scripts/createacct ${USRSTR}.iter $USRSTR $acctPaSsWd > /dev/null 2>&1; echo -ne ${CYAN}"Creating your test accounts:" ${LYELLOW}"$acctcount/$numACCts\033[0K\r"${RESTORE}; done; echo