I have a customer on the phone and don't know what to check
The Problem is with a new Drupal installation, and it's not on a VPS1
- Is anything other than SuPHP being used? If so, recommend SuPHP be used & check permissions.
- Is the server using lots of RAM, having MySQL issues, or experiencing high load post-install?
- If yes, the PHP and MySQL settings are likely set too conservatively for Drupal to work properly
- If yes, the PHP and MySQL settings are likely set too conservatively for Drupal to work properly
It's an existing site
- Are they on a VPS1 or have they upgraded servers recently? If they've migrated/upgraded, check the PHP version.
- Is anything other than SuPHP being used? If so, recommend SuPHP be used & check permissions.
- Is this a new Drupal install? If so, and it isn't working, make sure it was installed properly via cPanel/Fantastico.
- Assuming it was installed properly
- Assuming it was installed properly
File Structure
While all PHP-based CMS-packages perform what can basically be considered the same task, differences in functionality and scalability arise out of how those tasks are performed. Drupal File Structure
Versions & Upgrading
http://drupal.org/documentation/upgrade/6/7 A number of customers are anticipating the release of Drupal 7; many are likely to want to upgrade.
Upgrading your Drupal installation
The process of upgrading to the latest version of Drupal can vary in difficulty depending on the complexity of your current installation. You can only upgrade from one version to the next version. For example you are trying to move from Drupal 5 to Drupal 7 you first need to upgrade to Drupal 6 before you upgrade to Drupal 7.
Pre-Upgrade Site Preparation
= Backup Your Current Site =
It is always highly recommended to backup your site before any update or upgrade.
A full backup consists of making copies of:
* all core Drupal files and folders * all contributed module files and folders * all contributed theme files and folders * all other files and assets that have been uploaded via your Drupal site (e.g. /files folder) * the Drupal database
For more information about backing up your Drupal site see http://drupal.org/node/22281
Upgrade Process
About This Article
* Drupal version: Drupal 7.x * Page status: Needs updating * Last modified: January 20, 2011
Note: DO NOT run install.php at any time during an upgrade. It will empty your content from the database. Upgrade Steps
1. Backup your existing site and database.
2. Login as user 1.
3. # Place the site in "off-line" mode (Administer >> Site configuration >> Site maintenance).
4. Switch your site's theme to a default theme (Garland).
5. Disable all custom and contributed modules.
6. Remove the Drupal 6 files in the folder or subfolder on your computer
7. Copy the Drupal 7 files into the folder or subfolder on your computer
8. Re-Configure Your Installation
Copy your backed up "files" and "sites" directories to the Drupal
installation directory. If other system files such as .htaccess or
robots.txt were customized, re-create the modifications in the new
versions of the files using the backups taken in step #1.
quoted from upgrade.txt file
10. Empty your 'sites' folder
11. Run update.php (DO NOT RUN INSTALL.PHP). Point the browser to http://example.com/update.php
12. Running update.php at this time makes the necessary database changes to Drupal 7. Your contributed modules are not yet upgraded
13. Copy the Drupal 7 contributed modules and themes to your 'sites/all/modules' or 'sites/all/themes' folders as needed
14. Copy customized modules and themes in the correct place 'sites/all/modules' or 'sites/all/themes
15. Go to Administer → Sites Building → Modules and re-enable the modules
16. Re-Run update.php (DO NOT RUN INSTALL.PHP). Point the browser to http:// yourdomain/update.php
17. Running update.php at this time makes the database table updates needed by the modules
18. Re-activate your theme
Drupal 7.x
Hab' doch g'rad g'sagt das i' es hab'n werde wenn's mir auch lohnt~!
Common Causes of Issues in Order of Frequency
Your first step should be to ignore whatever bits of misinformation the customer is giving you. Remember, these people are web developers; this means they usually have no idea