This is how you create name servers at godaddy.
If you would like to set this up to host the dns on your own server it would be a multistep processes. You would first need to register your nameservers with goaddy as follows:
Go to Domains My Domains Click on your domain Click on (add) under 'Host Summary' on the bottom left. For "Host Name:" you'll input "ns1" (no quotes) in the box. For "Host IP 1: (nameservers ip address) Click "Ok" - Your first nameserver has been created. Click on (add) under 'Host Summary' on the bottom left. For "Host Name:" you'll input "ns2" (no quotes) in the box. For "Host IP 1: (nameservers ip address) Click "Ok" - Your first nameserver has been created.
Once that is complete and the nameservers are registered you would then need to change the nameservers the domain points to as follows:
Log in to your Account Manager. In the My Products section, select Domain Manager. Select the domain name(s) you want to modify. From (Nameservers), select Set Nameservers. Select : I have specific nameservers for my domains # Input the new nameservers: ns1.domain ns2.domain #click "ok"
Once that is done you would need to make sure the zonefile is correct on the
server and that you have A records set up for ns1 and ns3 in the zonefile for
the domain.