First on all server involved there is some prep work.
Prep work
Deal with the firewall
This should only be done over a private network if you are using this wiki.
Figure out the nic for their private network, in most cases this will be eth1. Go into the firewalls config file and do the following.
vim /etc/apf/conf.apf change this IFACE_TRUSTED="" to IFACE_TRUSTED="eth1"
vim /etc/csf/csf.conf change this ETH_DEVICE_SKIP="" to ETH_DEVICE_SKIP="eth1"
Restart the firewall.
Enable services
Enable the required services
chkconfig --add portmap chkconfig portmap on chkconfig nfs on portmap /etc/init.d/nfs restart
Making UID/GID match on all servers
Now comes the tricky part, the easiest method for this to work permission wise is for the user on both servers to have the same gid and uid. So we can change these to match however if you are uncertain please ask escalation for help.
Figure out a free guid and uid that we can use, generally pick one of the ids that is above 500 that is available.
cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3,4
The above will list all of the in use uid/gid's, pick one that is above 500 that is not in use for either. Now we are going to change the users gid/uid to match on the servers.
groupmod -g (new gid) USERNAME usermod -u (new uid) -g (new gid) USERNAME
When it is together correctly it should look like this.
groupmod -g 520 shooltz usermod -u 520 -g 520 shooltz
Afterwards check and make sure the changes took by running the id command.
id username
[ [~]$ id shooltz uid=520(shooltz) gid=520(shooltz) groups=520(shooltz)
Once these are done move on.
Setting up the server side
To setup the server we need to specify the share in the exports file.
vim /etc/exports
Add a line that looks like this, but change to match your needs.
Path Server-1-ip(options) server-2-ip(options) etc... /path/to/share/,anonuid=520,anongid=520),anonuid=520,anongid=520)
Save the file, and reload the nfs config as follows.
exportfs -ra
You can now also check the current loaded config with the following.
exportfs -v
Also if you want to see what random ports that portmap chose run the following command.
rpcinfo -p
Setting up the client
This wont work if you didnt do the Prep work.
First make your mount point.
mkdir -p /path/to/mnt/point
Next mount the NFS share as follows.
mount /path/to/mnt/point/
After this you should be able to cd into the mount dir and test.