Move mysql to home
Info: If space and time permits, do a fresh dump of all databases
Notice: In this example we will be going from /var/lib/mysql/ to /home/mysql.datadir/ - adjust as necessary
Warning: You should only put MySQL's data directory in an empty location
Notice: CLOUD LINUX - If the server is running cloud linux with cagefs, you need to update the new mount point in /etc/cagefs/
First, create the new datadir:
mkdir -p /home/mysql.datadir/ chown mysql:mysql /home/mysql.datadir/ chmod 751 /home/mysql.datadir/
Sync things:
rsync -aHlP /var/lib/mysql/ /home/mysql.datadir/
Sync it a few times, and run it one last time right before you do the final sync/switch.
Then, when you're done:
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd --stop /etc/init.d/crond stop /etc/init.d/mysql stop
Warning: It is important to check that mysql actually shuts down. Moving it while it remains running, or having it start up while you are moving it can lead to data corruption.
ps aux |grep mysql netstat -tpln | grep mysql
After you have confirmed it is down, you can proceed with a final sync and then finally move it. You can run the rsync twice to confirm the final sync has completed as no data will be transferred on the second sync.
rsync -aHlP /var/lib/mysql/ /home/mysql.datadir/ mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql.lwold ln -s /home/mysql.datadir /var/lib/mysql /etc/init.d/mysql start /usr/local/cpanel/bin/tailwatchd --start /etc/init.d/crond start
Info: Once the move is done, you should update the my.cnf and put in the new datadir location.
Notice: If CloudLinux with CageFS, run before restarting MySQL.
cagefsctl --remount-all
Notice: You should now check the mysql error log, and check and see how it booted up. If it went well, you should be set, and you can then remove the old datadir
Warning: If you moved MySQL's datadir to free up space on /var/, you should now remove the old mysql datadir
Warning: If you do this on a shared server, you also need to adjust the backup script to point to the new location. /usr/local/lp/configs/backup/backup-config.xml
<target type="fileOrDir" destination="home/mysql"> /home/mysql </target>
Warning: Guardian Customers: If the customer has guardian backups with the mysql plugin you will need to update the plugin with the correct mysql directory.