I have no idea what these are.
cPanel & WHM Administrator - Core Curriculum
Databases Administration in WHM
Introduction quiz:
Which of the following statements are true about MyISAM? (Select all that apply)
It implements indexes and locking. It is the default storage engine on older versions of MySQL.
The second question was to match terms, on the screen.
True/False: By default, you can connect to a MySQL/MariaDB database from anywhere with the correct username and password and see all your databases.
Managing Users and Databases Quiz:
The first question is to arrange the mysql terms.
True/False: If you have prefixing turned on in Tweak Settings, the database management tools in WHM will enforce it.
True/False: The customer should always be aware of their MySQL root password, and will make use of it frequently.
Networking Quiz
The Additional Access Hosts feature in WHM creates grants (select all that apply)
when you create new cPanel accounts (after setting up an additional access host) when you click on the link at the bottom of the page
Remote MySQL server environment connections can be set up via a cPanel & WHM environment by using what WHM feature?
Manage MySQL Profiles
Remote MySQL Profiles can be used to set up what kind of relationships?
1-to-1 (1:1) only