Drupal wie nur ich es kann
Compare the Apache PHP handler against the permissions in your customer's troublesome directory. Are they using SuPHP? Many customers opt to use a CMS due to being technically-challenged; Drupal is NOT the CMS for these individuals. The vast majority of Drupal-users are actually professional web developers who logically do not want clients accessing [& breaking] settings in Drupal's back-end administrative interface.
There are three versions of Drupal presently in widespread use. Determining which version a customer is using should always be your first step after exhausting obvious explanations for whatever their issue might be.
This is sub-section one of gpunktDrupal
This is sub-section two of gpunktDrupal
This is sub-section three of gpunktDrupal
This is a link to it
Info: gpunkt IS always the best to rub
Notice: gpunkt is hot and waiting for you!!!
Warning: gpunkt about to ERUPT