Drupal wie nur ich es kann
Many customers opt to use a CMS due to being technically-challenged; Drupal is NOT the CMS for these individuals. The vast majority of Drupal-users are actually professional web developers who logically do not want clients accessing [& breaking] settings in Drupal's back-end administrative interface.
Mein Teil. Nein. Denn das ist Mein Teil. Yes it's Mein Teil. Nein.
There are three versions of Drupal presently in widespread use. Determining which version a customer is using should always be your first step after exhausting obvious explanations for whatever their issue might be.
Drupal 5.x
Compare the Apache PHP handler against the permissions in your customer's troublesome directory. Are they using SuPHP?
Drupal 6.x
Das Inhalt ist noch zukommend.
Drupal 7.x
Hab' doch g'rad g'sagt das i' es hab'n werde wenn's mir auch lohnt~!
This is sub-section one of gpunktDrupal
This is sub-section two of gpunktDrupal
This is sub-section three of gpunktDrupal
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